ATX Television Festival


brand identity

ATX Television Festival is an annual event based in Austin, Texas that celebrates the wonderful medium of Television. Every year, the festival connects  fans to the industry through conversations about the past, present, and future of television. ATX TV facilitates impactful discussions about all aspects of the industry through Q&As, special screenings, cast reunions, and panels to experience television as one community. One of the few festivals in the US that focuses on the television industry, ATX TV prides itself as being a unique experience for TV lovers made by TV lovers.

After having a conversation with Caitlin McFarland and Emily Gibson, the founders of ATX TV, we decided to create a system that has an established personality, reflects both industry and fan, and emphasizes community and conversation.

I suggested clapperboards and scripts as inspiration for an identity system. These items are primarily used behind the scenes in the industry and people recognize, playing with ATX TV’s idea of industry and fans. Even as we move through the digital age where even television is becoming obsolete and streaming services are on the rise, these items are still very present. The clapperboard and script are also timeless and fit in well with their motto of past, present, and future of television. The script itself also serves as a container for dialogue that drives stories and promotes important discussion, emphasizing ATX TV’s idea of conversation and community.